Press Release
The Municipality of Livadia through its Public Benefit Enterprise (KEDIL) participates in the European Program “MUlti-STakeholder Labs for migrants and stakeholders ( MUST – a – Lab ): Multi-institution laboratories for immigrants and stakeholders” , lasting three (3) years (2022-2024), funded 90% by the Asylum, Immigration and Integration Fund of the European Commission and 10% by the Municipality of Levadia. The amount of EU funding for the Municipality of Levadia amounts to € 131,064.30.
The project is led by the city of Mechelen (Belgium) and the following European cities and institutions participate: Modena (Italy), University of Modena (Italy), International Institute of Humanitarian Law (San Remo, Italy), Fuenlabrada (Spain), University of Spain and Arts (Karel de Grote) in Antwerp (Belgium), European Research and Training Institute (FREREF) – (Brussels, Belgium), Neubau (Vienna, Austria), Municipality of Le Pont-de-Clay (France) and the Public Benefit Enterprise of the Municipality of Levadia (Greece).
The aim of the program is the socio-economic integration of immigrants and third-country nationals residing in the city and to facilitate their access to basic services. Cooperation with other partners in the consortium will contribute to the exchange of good practices and knowledge throughout the EU. and improving transnational cooperation between stakeholders in the development and implementation of local integration strategies.
The inaugural online meeting between the members representing the consortium partners took place on 12 and 13 January 2022, in order to set the timetables and the individual steps that everyone should follow with the creation of the policy labs in the near future. .
The Mayor of Livadia, Mr. Ioannis D. Tagalegas notes that the participation of the Municipality in European Programs, such as “IncluCities” and “MUST-a-Lab”, will significantly contribute to the improvement of its services to immigrants and citizens. third countries residing in our area. The exchange of know-how with other countries and the opportunity provided, through the policy workshops of the “MUST-a-Lab” program to institutions and immigrants to be at the same dialogue table will solve important issues facilitating the life and daily life of all of us.
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