Cities Network for Integration (CNI)

About Us

The Cities Network for Integration (CNI)

CNI in practice

The CNI operates as a living hub that enables the collection, processing and promotion of the needs of the Greek municipalities that seek to integrate refugees and migrants in their cities.


Collects expertise, know-how and ideas, from its members and its partner network.


Connects municipalities with each other and with other key actors to enable know-how exchange and collaboration.


Plans and implements initiatives aimed at strengthening municipal structures and local communities.

Promoting change

Promotes institutional change at local, national, and international level through consultation & Empowers the voice of the municipalities by disseminating good integration practices.

Structure & Operation
Within the framework of the City Network for Integration, decisions are taken with the participation of all member municipalities, regardless of size, with the aim of equal representation.

The political branch of the CNI consists of the Committee of Mayors, which consists of Mayors and Elected Representatives. The Committee of Mayors is responsible for setting the strategic priorities of the Network.

The technical branch consists of the Technical Forum and the local Technical Working Groups, which contribute towards planning and implementing common initiatives. These groups include municipal staff with experience in the field of social integration of vulnerable groups.

The CNI Coordination Team connects the member municipalities based on their needs and know-how, coordinates joint actions and promotes the achievement of the goals set by its members.

See the Operating Principles of CNI PDF
CNI in numbers

See below some significant numbers that represent the achievements of our network.