The Curing the Limbo is a pilot integration program, implemented from 2018 to 2021 in the City of Athens. Its aim was to test a dynamic and innovative integration model that allows refugees to become socially active and to support their transition from emergency support to an autonomous life in Athens. Curing the Limbo was the first holistic model of integration implemented at the level of local government in Greece, with the strategic goal of creating a public policy proposal both at national and European city level.
The Curing the Limbo program supported asylum seekers and adult refugees, offering them a range of parallel services, connecting them with the active citizens of Athens, enabling them to participate in activities and contributed to the improvement of the city’s neighborhoods.
Curing the Limbo’s core services offered refugees language lessons and technical skills development, access to affordable housing, psychosocial support and employment counseling services.
*Curing the Limbo (2018-2021) is a European pilot program of the City of Athens implemented with the strategic partnership of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (UoA), the Catholic Relief Services (CRS), the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and the Athens Development and Destination Management Agency (ADDMA). This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) initiative.