The REACT corporate scheme is a good practice in managing a humanitarian crisis, such as the refugee crisis of 2015. The program involves a wide range of stakeholders, including public – municipal bodies, legal entities – associations and non-governmental organizations which promote social issues while it is implemented by a public authority (Municipalities), with rules and administrative procedures set by the central government.
The implementation of the REACT Program contributed substantially to the smooth integration of the refugee population in the urban complex of Thessaloniki and the harmonious coexistence with the local community.
Recognized for their exceptional work in dealing with the refugee issue and the critical situation in the wider area, mainly in the issue of hosting refugees in apartments, instead of camps, the Municipality of Thessaloniki and the REACT Program were awarded a special prize of the French newspaper Le Monde on 11 July 2018, in Singapore, as part of the “Le Monde – Smart Cities 2018” competition.