The SHARE SIRA project, which is co-financed by the European Union Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), promotes inclusive territorial approaches in Europe’s rural areas, which play an increasingly important role in welcoming new arrivals.
The project strengthens and widens the social orientation and overall integration of newly arrived migrants and refugees in 10 rural areas of France, Greece, Poland and Spain, through innovative approaches involving the active participation of local communities, including the refugees and migrants, as well as the pilot implementation of grassroots social orientation actions.
The project is coordinated by the SHARE Network of the International Catholic Migration Committee (ICMC) of Europe (Belgium) and is implemented in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration (Regional Office Brussels, Poland, Spain), the Development Company of the Municipality of Karditsa (Greece), the Pierre Solidarity Organization Valdo (France) and the Cepaim Foundation (Spain).
See the Factfiles for the Municipality of Karditsa: