UNHCR has initiated the 4W/Service Mapping exercise which produced a useful tool mapping the humanitarian activities in Greece.
The interactive 4W dashboard provides an easy-to-navigate picture of who works on what issues, and where. So far, 75 organizations participated voluntarily in this exercise. The dashboard itself is live, and can be updated on an ongoing basis by the participating organizations or new actors who would like to see their activities included.
Through following link, you can find Find the dashboard through the following link: https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiYTU1NTNhZGItOWY2My00ZmQ4LTkyYWQtMzcwZDMzNjBlYTQ5IiwidCI6ImU1YzM3OTgxLTY2NjQtNDEzNC04YTBjLTY1NDNkMmFmODBiZSIsImMiOjh9